Lusaka, Zambia
After South Luangwa, Erika and I smashed head-long into a wall. We were exhausted, having just made a tear through southern Africa, visiting Johannesburg, Harare, Victoria Falls, Livingstone, and South Luangwa in under two weeks, with three safaris in that time. It was time for a break.
So we didn’t see Lusaka. We didn’t go out into Lusaka. We didn’t do anything in Lusaka. All we did was rest, recover, and spend time with Erika’s friend, Lindsey, who we visited there.
Lindsey was the main reason we went to Zambia. When planning Africa out, we went in with very little idea of what we were doing, but had ‘visit Lindsey in Zambia’ set in stone, so everything else kind of got built around that.
She was kind enough to host us and put up with us for the better part of a week, and we took advantage of that by doing absolutely nothing.
Well, Not Nothing
It’s not really accurate to say we did nothing. I mean, it’s not like we were just staring at the wall all week, we did actually accomplish things. For instance, Erika built this:

She finished it just minutes before we had to leave for the airport. I even did all the packing that morning, so she could keep building her puzzle. I’m the best husband.
Meanwhile, I went back and replayed the campaign of Warcraft 3:

We also got to spend quality time with a wonderful kitty:

She took an immediate liking to us, even spending most of our first night there sleeping on the bed with us.

When she didn’t sleep in bed with us, she stayed close by:

She also was more than happy to help Erika out with her project:

Otherwise, we did a ton of trip planning to get our hotels and flights and such for our next moves after Zambia, as Lusaka was as far as we’d had planned out.
Lindsey was working during the day, so we had that time to ourselves. And this was how we spent it. It couldn’t have been more perfect, it was exactly what we needed.
In the evenings, we got to hang out with Lindsey, and she took us to all her favorite nearby restaurants. This, also, was wonderful, because for a few days we got a break from making food decisions! She introduced us to her expat friends, and it was great to have some socialization. Lindsey even took us to a yoga class one evening.
We had a great time, and we couldn’t be more thankful to Lindsey for letting us stay, and putting up with us for a few days.

So yeah. That was our Lusaka trip. I’m sorry there isn’t much to this post, but it’s sort of a break from our usual blog, the same as Lusaka was a break for us in our trip. Don’t worry, the next post will be back to the usual grind!
What’s Next?
We leave for a stop that, until our trip planning we did in Lusaka, we hadn’t planned on making: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! It’s a brief, but crazy, stop–come back next time to check it out!
2 thoughts on “Lusaka, Zambia”
If you go to Ethiopia you have to go to Aksum and see the “Church of St. Mary of Zion”.
Thanks Paul! Unfortunately when we were there, we had way too short a time to spend in Ethiopia. We wish we’d had more. A friend of ours went to Aksum and loved it there.
It gives us a good excuse to go back 🙂
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